Forum rules
There are really very few rules involved in becoming and remaining a member of this forum. The main rule is that all list members remain pleasant with each other. That is, no unkindness or notes with a mean or angry tone will be tolerated on the forum at all. This is a troll-free zone. If you are unhappy about something another member has posted, please contact the forum administrator (me) with your concerns. I ask that you do not send your complaint directly to the forum member or to the forum itself. Also, if it comes to my attention that one member is sending harassing, threatening, or vulgar messages to another, either on the forum, in private messages, or outside the forum, the offending member will be blocked from posting to the forum.
The only other request I have is that posts to the forum must pertain to some aspect of DelMarVa genealogy. The exception is the "Chit-Chat" topic, where you are free to chit and to chat about anything at all. In the other topics, though, please keep it about DelMarVa Genealogy. I realize that, occasionally, someone may wish to post a message which is not technically on-topic, but for some reason has particular importance to the members. Please clear these with the administrator (me) before posting. Short, *one-time* commercial messages advertising services or products are allowed if they are of particular interest to the group. But please, no spamming. And finally, searches for living persons are not allowed. Now, I know that cases come up in which someone may be looking for someone who has or might have specific genealogical information or records (for example, a family Bible that mentions your ancestor), or you may wish to post a message looking for living descendants of an ancestor for the purpose of exchanging information, and this will be allowed.
There are really very few rules involved in becoming and remaining a member of this forum. The main rule is that all list members remain pleasant with each other. That is, no unkindness or notes with a mean or angry tone will be tolerated on the forum at all. This is a troll-free zone. If you are unhappy about something another member has posted, please contact the forum administrator (me) with your concerns. I ask that you do not send your complaint directly to the forum member or to the forum itself. Also, if it comes to my attention that one member is sending harassing, threatening, or vulgar messages to another, either on the forum, in private messages, or outside the forum, the offending member will be blocked from posting to the forum.
The only other request I have is that posts to the forum must pertain to some aspect of DelMarVa genealogy. The exception is the "Chit-Chat" topic, where you are free to chit and to chat about anything at all. In the other topics, though, please keep it about DelMarVa Genealogy. I realize that, occasionally, someone may wish to post a message which is not technically on-topic, but for some reason has particular importance to the members. Please clear these with the administrator (me) before posting. Short, *one-time* commercial messages advertising services or products are allowed if they are of particular interest to the group. But please, no spamming. And finally, searches for living persons are not allowed. Now, I know that cases come up in which someone may be looking for someone who has or might have specific genealogical information or records (for example, a family Bible that mentions your ancestor), or you may wish to post a message looking for living descendants of an ancestor for the purpose of exchanging information, and this will be allowed.
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Admin Messages
This area is for messages from the LOWER-DELMARVA-ROOTS admin. - 1 Topics
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Surnames only
This is the spot to post a list of the surnames you are researching in the lower Delmarva area. Please don't post full queries here, or chit-chat. Queries and chit-chat have their own areas. - 0 Topics
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Genealogy Queries and Discussion
Post your queries, brick walls, and other discussions about Lower Delmarva genealogy here. - 0 Topics
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