Shari Handley's Eastern Shore Maryland Genealogy Project

The Lower DelMarVa Family Album
Images of Historic Sites and Sights on the Lower Eastern Shore

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Lower Delmarva Family Album

Historical Images from the Lower Eastern Shore - CLICK ON IMAGE FOR LARGER VERSION

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Wetipquin - Mezick's Meeting House / Wetipquin ChapelWetipquin Methodist Church, known for most of its history as Mezick's Meeting House or Mezick's Church. Built on land donated by Covington Mezick and his wife, Leah, in 1826.
Wetipquin Creek
Whitehaven - BoltonThe land on which this house is located was originally patented as "Noble Quarter" in 1663, property held under the ownership of Nicholas Rice. The Wicomico River plantation was involved in a resurvey of the land in 1676, known as "Might Have Had More," a name which passed down with the property until the 1850s when the farm was renamed "Bolton." The house is now thought to have been built around 1700, if not before. It was owned down the years by families such as Waters, Willing, Shiles, Gale, Robertson.
Whitehaven - CemTrek 1999This photo shows the whole group of CemTrekkers (sans Shari Handley, who was taking the photo) with David Scott of the Whitehaven Heritage Association. Shown left to right are: (front row) Beverley Alexander, Leah Handley, Megan Alexander, (second row) Roy Lesher, Jill Pevear, Ralph Willing, (third row) Jack Gracey, David Scott, Paul Willing, Larry Alexander
Whitehaven - Steamer on the Wicomico River
Whitehaven - View of the Wicomico River from inside the Whitehaven Hotel
Whitehaven FerryThe view is from the Somerset side of the Wicomico River, looking towards Whitehaven on the Wicomico side.
Whitehaven HotelBuilt around 1810, the hotel is shown here (colorized) around 1900, during its heyday.
Whitehaven HotelShown in its current, restored state
Whitehaven Hotel about 1985after the days of its glory which ended with the close of World War I
Whitehaven Hotel about 1993The hotel is shown in ruinous condition before restoration began.
Whitehaven Hotel during restoration
Whitehaven Hotel today
Whitehaven Hotel, about 1960
Wicomico River Oyster Tongers, 1941
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